Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Conceptual Self Portrait Continued...

I have finished carving out my image and I pulled my first proof last night!

This is my matrix before I rolled it up with ink. It was kind of sad covering the image with ink because it thought the matrix itself was really good looking; I like that color green with the black from the drawing. But my sadness was short lived because there is a magical emotion deep in every printmaker's heart when they ink up their image for the first time... ah! It never gets old : D. 

Pulling the print off the press. 

And there it is, in all its glory. Now that i'm looking at it on the computer screen I think the blades of grass read better; looking at it in person the image gets busy and its hard to focus on the grass.

To fix that I experimented with some hand tinting; its just acrylic paint I thinned down with water the painted over the image. I think it looks a lot better, but I might experiment with a few more variations of green before I make my series. 
My plan is still to oil paint the face, integrating oil painting with printmaking. I will upload pictures of that soon! 

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