Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Conceptual Self Portrait Finished

After many hours of painting, correcting and small scares, my conceptual self portrait print integrated with oil paint IS FINISHED!

After I printed my image I covered just the face area with gesso. The oil paint will slowly eat away the paper if I painted directly on to the paper. Over years and years mind you, but to preserve the image for a few more generations I first painted gesso in the painted areas.

The oil painting turned out better then I imagined. It was funny because as I was painting it, the whole image looked kind of creepy because the face looked really realistic and it was popping off the page out from this flat image. It was cool to see the image to come to life!

So then to make more contrast, like I did on my test proofs in my previous posts, I hand tinted the grass. I like the contrast between the flesh tints and the green.

And this is the final. Oil painted face and hand tinted integrated on to my original hand pulled print! The over all image is 18" x 14 1/2"

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